Happy (belated) Thanksgiving and Black Friday!
Thanksgiving is usually a huge affair, but I had a wonderfully small celebration this time around.
On Wednesday, I went to my friend's for a small get-together (which had wonderful food, the highlights being the most beautiful and scrumptious pumpkin bars I've ever tasted and a delicate cranberry salsa).
And yesterday (Thanksgiving) was spent at home with a tiny dinner with my sister. Nothing big -- veggies, stuffing, meat, mashed potatoes. Yup-yup. And we watched
The Fall, which had some very pretty cinematography and (best of all) excellent costuming. I wasn't impressed with the actual plot, but you should at least check out the costuming if you haven't seen it. (It also apparently appeared in the 17th Annual Art of Motion Picture Costume Design Exhibition.)
I'll leave the trailer for you later in the post.
This is Charles Darwin in The Fall.
He's in a bowler hat. And a red fur coat. And riding boots.
I love his hat. I love his coat. And I love his riding boots.
I will be getting this look someday, you mark my words.
(Problem: I have always loved riding boots but have yet to find any I like...) |
Today, I went and celebrated Black Friday with some shopping. Let me tell you -- H&M was wonderful with their scratch-offs for their first customers. Well... except for the part where I got $10 (which I think was perhaps the least anyone could win), and the woman behind me got $200. I felt a part of me die inside, and I wanted to just grab her scratch-off and cradle it in my arms forever. (Sob, sob.) But I ended having a lovely shopping time anyways, so I guess all was well.
The best news of all (for this weekend) is that I will be buying my camera! Not that I really have time to do photo shoots during this semester, but I've been saving up since the summer. And now, I've reached my goal and can buy my pretty camera! I'm excited, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
And now, as promised! The trailer:
The Fall on allmoviephoto.com (I know there aren't many pictures, but you can Google it if you're interested!),
P. S. I'm sorry if this post is erratic and doesn't make sense. I'm exhausted from all of the reading and writing I've been doing for classes. (Also, I've been waking up at 3 or 4 AM every morning to get my work done, and I believe that this decision has shattered my circadian rhythm.)